Thursday, March 1, 2007

Topic Suggestions...

Assalamu alaikum girls :)

Please feel free to suggest any topics you'd like us to discuss in the future, we already have two topics for the next coming weeks:
-How to treat our parents
-Controlling our tongues

what else would you like to learn more about?

love and salams,


sky said...

Another possible topic:

- how to give da'wah/nasiha to those not into the deen (so they're muslim but really not practicing); like what things to say that'll help


Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I'm really interested in learning to balance trust in Allah but at the same time "tie the camel". And how do you maintain hope when there is a possibility that your du'a won't be answered? These are things I have been struggling with lately.

Dana Atiyat said...

Those are all excellent suggestions, inshaAllah we will cover all these topics within the next weeks.

Unknown said...

as-salaamu alaikum. I just had the awesomest topic idea. How about one of these days we talk about the rights of neighbors? Since most of us live on the block we should be more enlightened about the rights we have over each other.