Monday, April 23, 2007

The last three weeks

Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,

Here's what we did in the last three weeks:

April 5th: Description of the Prophet's Physical Characteristics (pbuh)
Summary: We spoke about the way the Prophet looked (pbuh). Including: How his hair was, his eyes, his height, his nose, his mouth, the way he ate, the way he spoke, the way he walked, the way he drank, and much more.

We learned how beautiful the Prophet is physically and in characteristically. May Allah bless him with peace inshaAllah.

April 12th: The Death of The Prophet (pbuh), by Hajirah Ali

Summary: Sr. Hajirah gave a beautiful talk mashaAllah which included dhikr and an explanation of some verses from the burdah and finally it ended with the description of the Prophet's death (pbuh).

April 19th: Reliance on Allah (Topic suggested by Ferozan)
Summary: we spoke about how important it is to truly rely on Allah. However, that is under one condition. One must do everything they can first and then put their trust and reliance on Allah. The Prophet (pbuh) was once asked by a man: Should I tie my camel or should I rely on Allah?. The Prophet (pbuh) said: Tie the camel and then rely on Allah.

This week inshaAllah (April 26th) we will be talking about "Taqwa".

wassalamu alaikum,

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