Saturday, April 19, 2008

March 13th: Prophet Ibrahim (part 2)

The Sacrifice:
- When Ismael was about 13 years old. Prophet Ibrahim kept having a dream that he is sacrificing his son. His only son.
- Prophet Ibrahim told Ismael: “O my son, I see in a dream that I offer you in sacrifice, so tell me what is your view?”
- This is to make Ismael ready and to make him share in the reward.
- Ismael responds: “O my father! Do as you are commanded, you will find me, inshaAllah, one of the patient” 37:102
- So now they both prepare for this moment.
- “So when they had both submitted to the will of Allah, and he laid him down upon his brow”
- Ibrahim made him lay face down so he would not look him in the eye.
- They both submitted to the will of Allah and this is true Islam.
- Ibrahim tried to pass the knife through his neck, but it did not cut.
- Then a call came from Allah “O Ibrahim! You have indeed fulfilled the vision, this was indeed a manifest trial”
- He was replaced with a great sheep that was white and that had grazed in jannah for 40 years.
- After this, Allah gives Ibrahim the glad tidings of a second son, Isaac.
- Isaac had Jacob who is also a Prophet.
- Ismael is the father of Arabs who lived in Hijaz, from which out Prophet came

Building the Kaabah:
- Allah asked Ibrahim to build the Kaabah, and guided him towards it.
- The spot where the kaabah was built was sacred since the time of Adam, though the Kaabah was not built yet.
- Hadith: “This city has been made sacred by Allah the Day He created the heavens and the earth, and it will remain so till the day of judgment”
- It was the first mosque to be built
- Aya: “Indeed the first Hour appointed for people is the one at Bakkah. Blessed and a guidance for the worlds” 3:96
- The first house built for the purpose of guidance and blessings
- Aya: “in it are clear signs, the place of Ibrahim” 3:97
- refers to the stone which Ibrahim stood on while building the kaabah.
- Ismael brought him the stone so he could stand on it while building the walls.
- Aya: “and take the place of Ibrahim as a place of prayer” 2:125
- The footprints of his feet were visible on it until the earlier time of Islam
- Ibrahim and Ismael raised the foundations of the Kaabah only for the sake of Allah.
- Aya: “And when Ibrahim and Ismael raised the foundations of the House, praying: ‘Our Lord! Accept this from us, surely You are the All-Hearing, All-Knowing. Our Lord! Make us submit to Yout Will, and raise from our offspring a nation which will submit to Your Will….Our Lord! Send to them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to them Your Verses, and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify them’” 2:127-129
- Allah accepted their dua and he sent to them the seal of the Prophets, the best of creation.
- When they completed the foundation and built the corner, Ibrahim said to Ismael: “Son! Find me the best stone that I could lay here in this corner,
- When Ismael went to look for the stone, Jibril came and brought Ibrahim the Black stone. It was white and transparent. Adam brought it from Paradise with him, but the sons of people have blackened it.

- The Kaabah remained for a long time in the same shape with the same structure built by Ibrahim. Then it was rebuilt by Quraish. However, they shortened the building from the foundations of Ibrahim from it’s North side and it remained so until today.
- Hadith: The Prophet said to Aisha: “Don’t you know that when your people built the Kaabah, they shortened if from the foundations of Ibrahim?” So I said: “O Messenger of Allah! Then why do you not return it to its original foundations of Ibrahim?” The Prophet said: “Were it not for the fact that they only recently left disbelief (and entered Islam). I would have changed it”

- Abdullah bin Azubair built the kaabah during his rule, according to what the Prophet said. When he was killed (by Hajjaj), the Caliph at the time thought that he built it according to his own desire so they demolished it and built it according to its previous building.
- When they discovered that he was right, they wanted to rebuild it again. But Imam Malik said: “I fear that kinds may start playing around with it. Whenever a new king comes he may build it as he wanted it”
- So it remained from that day until today.

- Aya: “And we granted Isaac and Jacob to Ibrahim, and we ordained the Prophethood and the Book to be among his progeny, and We gave him his reward in this life, and in the Hereafter he shall be among the righteous” 29:27
- He had two sons, Ismael from hajar and then Isaac from Sarah.
- Isaac had his son Jacob, who was called Israel and to whome all Israeli tribes relate to.
- Their chain of PRophethood ended with Jesus. The last Prophet of the Children of Israel.
- Ismael was the forefather of all Arabs. He had no Prophet in his progeny except the seal of them, The Prophet Muhammad.
- Aya: “Ibrahim was neither a Jew nor a Christian, but he was truly a Muslim, and never was he of the polytheists” 3:67
- His religion was to submit himself to the Will of Allah
- Aya: “And who can be better in religion than he who submits his whole self to the Will of Allah, and does good and follows the religion of Ibrahim, a man pure in faith. Allah took Ibrahim as a friend” 4:125
- The Prophet met Ibrahim in the seventh heaven on the journey of Isra and Miraj.
- Hadith: On the Day of Judgment people will be resurrected naked. The first to be provided with cloth is Ibrahim”
- Since Prophet Ibrahim was the greatest Prophet after Prophet Muhammad, we are instructed to send Salawat upon him in every prayer.
- He resembled Prophet Muhammad.
Hadith: “I have seen Jesus son of Mary, and Moses and Ibrahim. As for Jesus, he was red of curly hair and broad chest. Moses was of tanned skin and big body.” The companions asked: “What about Ibrahim”. He said: “Look at your companion-meaning himself” ahmad

Age and death:
- His wife Sarah died before him in a village near Hebron.
- After Sarah, Ibrahim married Qanturah who had 6 children, then he married Hajun who had 5 children.
- Ibrahim fell ill and died after he lived for 175 yrs.
- He was buried near his wife Sarah in Hebron, by his sons Ismael and Isaac.
- His grave is situated in the square which was built by Solomon in Hebron, known as the city of “Khalil”
- The exact place of the grave is not known in this square.

- Prophet Ibrahim had many children but only 2 of them became famous because Prophethood was bestowed upon them, Ismael and Isaac.
- Ismael was a Messenger to his people. He married from the tribe of Jurhum.
- He was buried beside his mother inside the compound known as Al-Hijr. He died at 137.

- When Isaac was born, Ibrahim was 100 yrs old.
- He married Rifqa (Rebecca), she was barren but he made dua for her and she had two sons. One of them was Jacob.
- He died at the age 180 and was buried close to his father.
- Jacob married his cousin Leah and then his cousin Rachel. Leah had 6 children and Rachel had Joseph and Benjamin.
- He also had 3 other sons from 2 other wives.

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