Monday, June 11, 2007

June 7th: Surat An-Nour (part 2)

Surat Annour (verse 21- 34 )

Verse 21:
- “ya ayyuha Allatheena aamanu la tattabi3oo khutuwat Ashaytan…”: This aya is calling those who believe in Allah and His messenger, it’s telling them not to follow the footsteps of Shaytan (like listening to the story of al-ifk and then spreading it)..

- “wa man yattabi3 khutuwat Ashaytan…”: and whoever follows the footsteps of shaytan

- “fa innahu ya2muru bil fa7sha2i walmunkar…”: then he commands ugliness and evil deeds.

- “wa lawla fadlu Allahi 3alaykum wara7matuhu..”: and if it wasn’t for Allah’s grace and mercy…

- “ma zaka minkum min a7adin abada…”: not one of you would have ever been pure from sin…but by His mercy He facilitated the road to repentance…

- “wa lakinna Allaha yuzakee man yasha2..”: But Allah purifies whom He wills..meaning that Allah guides whomever He wills to repent and He accepts this repentance. So Allah purifies us by His generosity and mercy…

- “wallahu samee3un 3aleem”: and Allah is All-Hearer, All-Knower.. meaning that He hears what we say and He knows our intentions, He knows who deserves to be guided and who deserves to be misguided.

Verse 22:
- “wala ya2tali ulul fadhli minkum wass3ah…”: and let not those amongst you who are blessed with wealth…

- “ an yu2too ulil qurba wal masakeena wal muhjireena fee sabeel Allah..”: swear not to give their relatives, the poor, and those who left their homes for Allah’s cause.

- “walya3foo walyasfa7oo…”: and let them forgive this sin and forget the bad that was committed towards them and return back to giving…

- “ala tu7iboona 2an yaghfira Allahu lakum…”: don’t you love for Allah to forgive you for forgiving the person who has wronged you…

- “wallahu ghafoorun ra7eem”: meaning that Allah is ever-forgiving, ever-merciful.
This Ayah was revealed concerning As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him, when he swore that he would not help Mistah bin Uthathah after he said what he said about `A'ishah, as we have already seen in the Hadith. When Allah revealed the innocence of the Mother of the believers, `A'ishah, and the believers were happy and content with the outcome of this incident, and those believers who had talked about the matter repented, and the prescribed punishment had been carried out upon those on whom it was carried out, then Allah started to soften the heart of As-Siddiq towards his relative Mistah bin Uthathah. Mistah was the cousin of As-Siddiq, the son of his maternal aunt, and he was a poor man with no wealth except whatever Abu Bakr spent on him. He was one of those who had migrated for the sake of Allah. He had invented the lies and the slander, but then Allah accepted his repentance from that and the prescribed punishment was carried out on him. As-Siddiq was known for his generosity and he did favors to his relatives and strangers alike. When this Ayah was revealed: As-Siddiq said, "Of course, by Allah, we love -- O our Lord -- that You should forgive us.'' Then he resumed his spending on Mistah and said, "By Allah I will never stop spending on him.'' This was to counteract what he had said previously, "By Allah I will never spend on him.'' This proves that he deserved to be called As-Siddiq, may Allah be pleased with him and his daughter.

Then Allah warned those who accuse pure chaste women of sin…

Verse 23: this aya is a warning and threat to the ones who accuse chaste women (especially the mothers of the believers)
- “inna allatheena yarmoonal mu7sanatil ghafilatil mu2minati…”: Verily, those who accuse chaste believing women...

- “lu3inoo fiddunya wal akhirah…”: They have been cursed out of Allah’s mercy in this life and in the hereafter…

- “wa lahum 3athabun 3atheem.”: and for them will be a great torment.

Verse 24:
- “yawma tashhudu 3alayhim 2alsinatuhum wa 2aydeehim wa 2arjuluhum bima kanu ya3maloon”: On the Day when their tongues, their hands, and their legs will bear witness against them as to what they used to do.

Verse 25:
- “yawma2ithin yuwafeehum Allahu deenahum Al-7aq”: On that Day Allah will pay them the recompense of their deeds in full

- “waya3lamoona anna Allaha huwal 7aqul mubeen”: and then they will know that Allah is the manifest truth. That His punishment and reckoning are real.

Verse 26:
- “alkhabeethatu lil khabeetheena walkhabeethoona lil khabeethat. Wattayibatu littayyibeena watayyiboona littayyibat…”: evil women are for evil men and evil men are for evil women. And righteous women are for righteous men, and righteous men are for righteous women.

- “2ula2ika mubarra2oona mimma yaqooloon”: such (good people) are innocent of (every) bad statement which is said about them.

- “lahum maghfiratun”: for them is forgiveness, they are forgiven because they were accused of lies (it’s a purification process for their hearts).

- “wa rizqun kareem”: and honored provision.) meaning, with Allah in the Gardens of Delight. This is also a promise for Aisha to be the Prophet’s wife in jannah.

Seeking Permission and the Etiquette of entering Houses…

Verse 27:
- “ya ayyuha latheena 2amanoo la tadkhulu buyootan ghayra buyootikum”: O you who believe! Enter not houses other than your own…

- “ 7atta tasta2nisoo wa tusallimoo 3ala ahliha”: until you have asked permission and greeted those in them

- “thalikum khayrun lakum”: that is better for you

- “la3allakum tathakkaroon”: in order that you may remember

One should seek permission three times, and if permission is given, (he may enter), otherwise he should go away.

Verse 28:
- “fa 2in lam tajidoo feeha a7adan…”: and so if you don’t find anyone at home.

- “fa la tadkhulooha 7atta yu2thana lakum…”: so be patient and do not enter until you have been given permission

- “wa in qeela lakum irji3u farji3u”: and if it is said to you go back, so then go back

- “huwa azka lakum”: that is better and purer for you

- “wallahu bima ta3maloona 3aleem”: and Allah has knowledge of what you do

That was regarding homes that are occupied.. how about homes that abandoned?...

Verse 29:
- “laysa 3alaykum juna7un…”: There is no sin on you

- “an tadkhuloo buyootan ghara maskoonnatin…”: that you enter houses uninhabited.. (so here you don’t have to ask permission)

- “feeha mata3un lakum…”: (when) you have any interest in them.. or need..
-like you want to stand in the shade, or shelter yourself from a storm, etc.

- “wallahu ya3lamu ma tubdoona wama taktumoon”: and Allah knows what you reveal and what you conceal. Meaning that if you enter this home to commit a sin then Allah knows it…

Verse 30:
- “wa qul lilmu2mineena yaghuddoo min absarihim..”: and tell the believing men to lower their gazes. Meaning not to look at anyone who is not a mahram…because one look can plant a seed of desire, lust and love in the heart…

- “wa ya7fathoo furoojahum…”: and protect their private parts. Since looking provokes the heart to evil, Allah commanded (the believers) to protect their private parts just as he commanded them to protect their gaze which can lead to that

- “thalika azka lahum”: That is purer for them. means, it is purer for their hearts and better for their commitment to religion, as it was said: Whoever protects his gaze, Allah will illuminate his understanding, or his heart.

- “inna Allaha khabeerun bima yasna3oon”: Verily, Allah is All-Aware of what they do

Verse 31: The command of Hijab
-“wa qul lil mu2minati yaghdudna min absarihinna wa ya7fathna furoojahunna…”: and tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and protect their private parts (from being seen and from committing sin)

meaning, from that which Allah has forbidden them to look at, apart from their husbands. [Some] scholars said that it is permissible for women to look at non-Mahram men without desire, as it was recorded in the Sahih that the Messenger of Allah was watching the Ethiopians playing with spears in the Masjid on the day of `Id, and `A'ishah the Mother of the believers was watching them from behind him and he was concealing her from them, until she got bored and went away.

And the women have an added special command…

- "wala yubdeena zeenatahunna illa ma thahara minha…”: and not to show off their adornment except that which is apparent.. meaning the face and hands which are apparent.

- “wal yadribna bi khumurihinna 3ala juyoobihin…”: and to draw their veils that they use to cover their heads all over their chests

- “wa la yubdeena zeenatahunna illa libu3oolatihinna..”: and let them not show their adormnets except to their husbands

- “aw aba2ihinna a2 aba2i bu3oolatihin…”: or to their fathers or the fathers of their husbands…

- “aw abna2ihin aw abna2i bu3oolatihin, aw ikhwanihin, aw bani ikhwanihin aw bani akhawatihin”: or their sons, or the sons of their husbands, or their brothers, or the sons of their brothers, or the sons of their sisters.
-These are all people that a woman cannot marry..(mahram) but a woman should still not make a display out of herself infront of them..

- “aw nisa2ihin..”: meaning the Muslim women.
-Because non-Muslim women cannot be trusted.. as Muslim women have been forbidden from describing each other to men..

HADITH: (No woman should describe another woman to her husband so that it is as if he is looking at her.)

- “aw ma malakat aymanuhunna..”: or their slave girls, even if they are not Muslim. (slave girls do not exist now)

- “awittabi3eena ghayri 2ulil irbati mina rijali…”: men who have no desires.. mentally challenged.. etc.

- “awitifli allatheena lam yathharoo 3ala 3awratinnisa2…”: or children who are not aware of the nakedness of women.

- “wala yadribna bi arjulihinna liyu3lama ma yukhfeena min zeenatihin…”: And let them not stamp their feet so as to reveal what they hide of their adornment

- “wa tooboo ila Allahi jamee3an ayyuhal mu2minoona la3allakum tufli7oon”: And all of you beg Allah to forgive you all, O believers, that you may be successful.

Verse 32: The command to marry
- “wanki7ul ayama minkum…: And marry those among you who are single..meaning help them get married

- “wassali7eena min 3ibadikum wa 2ima2ikum…”: and the pious of your servants and maidservants

- “in yakoonoo fuqara2a yughnihimu Allahu min fadhlih..”: If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His bounty.

- “wallahu wasi3un 3aleem”: And Allah is All-Sufficent, All-Knowing. This is a promise for the ones who marry to stay chaste and to please Allah that He will make them happy and He will provide for them

Verse 33: The command to keep chaste if one cannot marry
- “wal yasta3fif allatheena la yajidoona nika7an…”: And let those who can’t find the financial means for marriage keep themselves chaste

- “7atta yughniyahum Allahu min fadhlih..”: until Allah enriches them of His bounty

- “wallatheena yabtaghoonal kitaba mimma malakat aymanukum..”: And such of your servants as seek a writing (of emancipation)

- “fa katiboohum in 3alimtum feehim khayra..”: give them such writing, if you find that there is good and honesty in them

- “wa aatoohum min mali Allahi allathee atakum..”: And give them something (yourselves) out of the wealth of Allah which He has bestowed upon you

- “wala tukrihoo fatayatikum 3alal bigha2i”: And force not your slave-girls to prostitution

- “in aradna ta7asunnan..”: if they desire chastity

- “li tabtaghoo 3aradal 7ayati dunya..”: in order that you may make a gain in the goods of this worldly life.

- “wa man yukrihunna fa inna Allaha min ba3di ikrahihinna ghafoorun ra7eem”: But if anyone compels them, then after such compulsion, Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.

---Prostitution is a major sin and forcing someone to commit it is another sin. However, if one is forced into committing prostitution then Allah (swt) is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful to those who are being forced.

Verse 34:
- “walaqad anzalna ilaykum ayatin mubayyinat…”: And indeed We have sent down for you Ayat that make things clear

- “wa mathalan minallatheena khalaw min qablikum…”: and the example of those who passed away before you

- “wa maw3ithatan lil muttaqeen”: and an admonition for those who have Taqwa.

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