Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah,
This week we started the tafseer of surat An-Nour. Here's a quick summary of what was covered:
About the Surah:
1- It’s a Medinan Surah
2- Contains a lot of guidelines for Muslims and everyone should learn it.
3- Discusses social manners such us lowering our gaze, how we should seek permission before entering someone’s house or room, chastity, etc.
4- It also mentions some of the punishments required by sacred law for some sins, such as adultery.
The name:
-It’s called surat An-nour because of all the guidelines that it has, they light up our path in this life and make it easier.
-It’s also called An-nour because of the aya that says “Allahu Nourus-samawati wal-ardh”.
Reasons for revelation:
1- It was narrated that a woman called “Um Mahzoul” used to be an adulteress, and a man amongst the Muslims wanted to marry her. He approached the Prophet (s) and told him, then Allah (swt) revealed the verse “the adulteress shall only marry an adulterer or an idolater.” Verse #3
2- One of the companions “Helal bin Umayyah” came to the Prophet and accused his wife of committing adultery. The Prophet (s) told him, you either bring proof or you will be punished for what you say, the man said: Oh Prophet of Allah, what if one of us saw his wife with another man and has no other proof? By Allah, I am speaking the truth, and Allah will reveal what will save me from punishment. So then the verse was revealed: “And those who accuse honorable women but bring not four witnesses…”
3- Al-Ifk: The crime that took place at the time of the Prophet (alayhi assalatu wassalam), when some people accused his chaste and pure wife Aisha of adultery. Allah (swt) revealed verses 11-20 to prove her innocence.
Note: In the transliteration of the verses, I used the number 7 to refer to the letter "haa" in Arabic, as in the word "hubb" meaning love. And I used the number 3 to refer to the letter "ain" in Arabic as in the word "Arabi". And I used the number 2 to refer to the letter hamza in Arabic as in the word "Iqra2" meaning read.
Verse 1:
-“Suratun anzalnaha”
This is a great surah that we have revealed onto you oh Muhammad (s)
- “wa faradnaha”: We made what’s in it of guidelines an obligation
- “wa anzalna feeha ayatin bayyinat”: we have revealed in it clear and important guidelines.
- “laalakum tathakkaroon”: That you may take heed. And now Allah (swt) starts telling us those guidelines…
-“azzaniyatu wazzani fajlidoo kulla wa7idin munhama mi2ata jaldah”: The adulterers (both man and woman, who are not married) should be whipped 100 times as a punishment for them from this ugly crime/sin.
-“ wa la ta2khuthkum bihima ra2fatun fee deen Allah”: and don’t let your pity for them withhold you from the command of Allah, so don’t whip them lightly because of the mercy in your hearts, or whip them a less number than Allah wants.
-“in kuntum tu2minoona billahi wal yawm al-Akher”: This is if you believe in Allah and in the last day. This is said to encourage the people to do this because of their faith. Don’t pity adulterers because their crime is a lot greater than the mercy you feel.
-“wal yashhad 3athabahuma ta2ifatun min almu2mineen”: meaning, and let a group of the believers attend and witness this punishment while it’s going on. This is so the people who are punished will be even more ashamed of what they did and it will help them not go back to it again.
-“Azzani la yanki7u illa zaniyatan aw mushrikah”: The adulterer will not marry except an adulteress or an idolatress. Meaning that it doesn’t suit an adulterer to marry a chaste woman, he only deserves to marry the one who is like him or even worse than him. Either an adulteress or an idol worshiper.
-“wassaniyatu la yanki7uha illa zanin aw mushrik”: meaning that it doesn’t suit the adulteress to marry a chaste believer, but she should marry the one who is like her or even worse than her (the idol worshiper).
-“wa 7urrima thalika 3alal-mu2mineen”: and adultery has been forbidden for the believers, and the aya could also be addressing that it’s haram for a believer to marry an adulterer.
Now we move on to the next guidelines…
Verse 4:
-“wallatheena yarmoon al-mu7sanat”: Meaning the ones who accuse their wives or chaste women of adultery.
-Notice the use of the word “yarmoon” whish usually refers to throwing stones… here Allah uses this word because this is what this act is similar to.
-Also notice that the word “mu7sanat” refers to someone who is chaste. So the verses are not talking about someone who is openly doing everything that’s bad. Because there’s no punishment for someone who accuses such a person…
-“thumma lam ya2too bi arba3ati shuhada2”: and then they didn’t bring along 4 other witnesses to testify to seeing the same thing.
-“fajlidoohum thamaneena jaldah”: so whip each one who claims this 80 lashes, because they have accused the innocent and spread rumors.
-“wa la taqbaloo lahum shahadatan abada”: and don’t ever accept their testimony. This is to increase their punishment, so not only are they punished physically but they are also humiliated in the community. This is as long as they are insisting on their lie and they are not backing off.
-“wa 2ula2ika hum al-fasiqoon”: and indeed those are the evil-doers. This is because they have committed a huge sin. So not only is this person whipped, but they are also never to testify and they are considered a fasiq. A fasiq is someone who has gone outside of obedience to Allah.
Verse 5:
-“illa allatheena taboo min ba3d thalika”: Except for those who repent and regretted what they have done.
-“wa asla7u”: and they have corrected their wrong by not committing the same sin again.
-“fa inna Allaha ghafoorun ra7eem”: and so here Allah is telling us to accept their repentance, and to allow them to testify and to trust them again, because Allah has forgiven the one who repents. However, the physical punishment must still be carried out.
Next guideline:
Verse 6:
-“wallatheena yarmoona azwajahum”: and the ones who accuse their wives of committing adultery…
-“wa lam yakun lahum shuhada2 illa anfusuhum…”: and they have no witnesses besides themselves.
-“fashahadatu a7adihim arba3u shahadat billah”: his testimony will take the place of 4 witnesses.
-“innahu lamin assadiqeen”: He will actually testify 4 times and restate that he is telling the truth.
Verse 7:
- “wal khamisatu anna la3nata Allahi 3alayhi in kana minal kathibeen”: And in the fifth testimony he will say: may Allah curse me if I am lying.
Verse 8:
-“wa yadra2u 3anhal-3athaba”: and the punishment for this accusation is lifted from the wife if…
-“an tashhada arba3a shahadatin billahi innahu laminal-kathibeen”: she swears or testifies 4 times that her husband is lying in what he says.
Verse 9:
-“ wal khamisata anna ghadaba Allahi 3alayha in kana minas-sadiqeen”: she will testify a fifth time saying: May Allah’s wrath be upon me if he is telling the truth.
Verse 10:
-“wa lawla fadhlu Allahi 3alaykum wa ra7matihi”: meaning and if it wasn’t for Allah’s mercy your situation would have not been concealed. Meaning that Allah knows the truth, and if one lies then they will not be punished in this life but they will be punished in the hereafter.
-“ wa anna Allaha tawwabun 7akeem”: this is an exaggeration of Allah’s acceptance for repentance.. meaning that He accepts it even in this bad situation. And Allah is Hakeem, He is wise and He is giving us this wisdom through those guidelines.
If these guidelines weren’t revealed, then in such a situation, the husband who doesn’t have witnesses would be punished for this accusation. Even though it would seem that he is truthful because he is disgracing himself by making this accusation. And if the husband’s testimony was enough then the woman would be punished for adultery and not have a chance to defend herself. Yet Allah (swt) here gives both husband and wife the chance to prove what they are saying...
The next verses talk about “Al-Ifk”:
Verse 11:
-“inna allatheena ja2oo bil ifki”: the ones who have brought about the “ifk”…the “ifk” is the worst lie, or the worst accusation. And it is the accusation of our mother Aisha may Allah be pleased with her.
-“3usbatun minkum”: meaning that they are a group from amongst you oh Muslims. And the head of the them was the biggest hypocrite at the time “Ibn Salool”
- “La ta7sabuhu sharran lakum”: this part of the aya is addressing the household of sayyidna Abu Bakr, it’s telling them, don’t think that this is a bad thing.
-“bal huwa khayrun lakum”: indeed it is something good for you. Because this matter was so important that sayidna Gibreel was sent especially by Allah to reveal those verses that will prove our mother’s innocence.
-“lukil imri2in minhum ma iktasaba minal-ithm”: to each one in the group of liars a punishment for their sin for as much as they participated in it.
-“wallathee tawalla kibrahu minhum”: and the one who started this accusation and helped spread this rumor “Ibn Salool”
-“lahu 3athabun 3atheem”: will have a great punishment in hellfire on the day of judgment.
Verse 12:
-“lawla ith sami3tumoohu”: when you heard this “oh believers” when you heard these lies about your mother…
-“thannal-mu2minoona wal mu2minati ba anfusihim khayran”: if only you assumed good and did not believe the rumor and pass it on. Because a Muslim shouldn’t believe anything bad about his brother/sister. Here Allah (swt) is scolding the Muslims for taking part in this ugly crime. It’s telling them to put themselves in our mother’s place… wouldn’t they assume good about themselves and refute the lies? And if they think that they are pure and they refute lies from themselves, wouldn’t our mother who is more pure be more eligible for this?
One of the companions “Um ayoub” told her husband” did you hear what people are saying about Aisha?. He said: yes and it’s all lies, would you do that Umm Ayoub?, and she said: No!, by Allah I wouldn’t!. So he said: And Aisha is better than you.
- “wa qalu hatha ifkun mubeen”: this is telling the believers that they should have said that this is a clear lie.. as soon as they heard it.
Verse 13:
- “lawla ja2u 3alayhi bi 2arba3ati shuhada2”: if only the accusers had brought 4 witnesses for what they say…
-“fa ith lam ya2tu bishuhada2”: and if they couldn’t even bring witnesses
- “fa 2ula2ika 3inda Allahi hum al-kathiboon”: so those are the liars, the corruptors… in this aya there is a scolding for whoever heard of the ifk and didn’t refute it as soon as they heard it.
Verse 14:
- “wa lawla fadhlu Allahi 3alaykum wa ra7matihi fiddunya wal akhirah”: and if it wasn’t for Allah’s abundant generosity over you in this life and the next life.
- “lamassakum feema afadhttum feehi 3athabun 3atheem”: you would have gained a great punishment because of your participation in spreading the rumors of ifk.
Yet through Allah’s mercy He has concealed you in this life and forgiven those who repented in the next life.
Verse 15:
- “Ith talaqawnahu bi alsinatikum”: you ask about it with your tongues and then you say so and so told me so and so…
- “wa taqooloona bi afwahikum ma laysa lakum bihi 3ilm”: and you say what has no truth in reality, in fact it’s purely a lie.
- “wa ta7saboonahu hayina”: and you think that it’s a small thing, no big deal...
- “wa huwa 3inda Allahi 3atheem”: and the truth is that to Allah it’s one of the worst and greatest crimes. This is not only because it’s about our mother Aisha, but in general it’s a great sin because you are ruining your Muslim brother/sister’s reputation.
So if we look back, Allah is scolding the people about three things in this aya:
1) asking about it
2)Talking about it
3) thinking it a small matter
Verse 16:
- “wa lawla ith sami3tumoohu qultum ma yakoona lana an natakallama bihatha”: here Allah is blaming all the believers, He’s telling them…that you should have denied it as soon as you heard it and say: we shouldn’t allow our mouths to talk about something like this or repeat it to anyone…
- “Sub7anak hatha buhtanun 3atheem”: …sub7an Allah, how can this be said about our pure and innocent mother, the wife of the Prophet (s) this is a clear crime and lie.
-We’re supposed to say “subhanAllah” when we see something out of the ordinary that surprises us or shocks us.. and this is one of those situations.. how could anyone say this about our mother, subhanAllah! What a shock, of course it’s a lie!
Verse 17:
- “ya3ithukum Allah an ta3oodoo limithlihi abada”: Allah reminds you and advises you not to ever do something like this again.
- “in kuntum mu2mineen”: if you were truly believers. Because true iman will keep one away from sin.
Verse 18:
- “wa yubayinu Allah lakum Al-ayat”: Allah is making those guidelines clear for you.
- “wallahu 3aleemun 7akeem”: Allah is All-Knowledgeable, All-Wise and knows what will help His creation to stay on the right path.
Verse 19:
- “Inna allatheena yu7iboona an tashee3a al-fa7ishata”: the ones who love to spread such rumors.
- “ fillatheena aamanu”: about the believers.
- “lahum 3athabun aleem fiddunya wal akhirah”: they have a painful punishment in this life by getting the penalty for it in this life (lashes), and a painful punishment in hell fire.
-This verse is addressing the hypocrites who started the rumor because they wanted to harm the Prophet (s).
- “wallahu ya3lamu wa antum la ta3lamoon": meaning that Allah knows people’s intentions, He knows the truth in their hearts and you don’t know.
Verse 20:
- “wa lawla fadhlu Allahi 3alaykum wara7matuhu wa anna Allaha ra2oofun ra7eem”: If it wasn’t for Allah’s mercy, He would have made them perish.
-Note here that the aya doesn’t tell us the answer to “lawla” because of how bad it is.. it’s so bad that it shouldn’t be mentioned.
wassalamu alaikum,
Friday, June 1, 2007
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